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I have flashes of lights and/or floaters, what could that be?

  • Many people experience floaters in their vision. These can be black, grey, transparent circles, lines, webs, or squigglies that move across your vision as you look around. They tend to be more noticeable at certain times with different types of lighting or backgrounds than others. Floaters themselves are harmless and usually become less noticeable over time. 
  • If you notice a sudden onset of multiple floaters especially associated with flashes of light similar to lightning bolts in your vision, this could be an indication of a more serious condition. This can occur when the vitreous inside of your eye, the clear egg-white like gel that fills 80% of your eye, begins to shrink and contract typically seen as our eyes age. As the gel contracts, it pulls away from the inside wall of the eye, which is the retina the film of our eye, which can cause a tear in the retina. A tear in the retina can lead to a retinal detachment which is a sight-threatening surgical emergency. 
  • If you notice the sudden onset of new floaters or flashes of light, you need to be seen. Call and make an appointment.   

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